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Keyword Density Checker is an SEO tool that will allow you to calculate the keyword density of any web page, this means that our tool will show you a percentage indicating the number of times a word could be repeated in your web content.
Why is it important to use Keyword Density Checker?
Currently, the indexing and position preference system for keywords by the main web content search engines such as Google has stopped being used, in addition to recommending us to use the meta description <meta name = "description" content = "Free SEO tools" > as a summary of our web content to which indexing preference and relationship with the content we are offering on our website will be given.
Currently, we continue to erroneously add keywords to our web content, unaware that they do not influence the search or indexing of our content. With our SEO tool you can easily know the density of the keywords included in your content.
The simplest method to calculate keyword density is usually to divide the number of times a particular keyword is mentioned in a text by the total number of words in the text, and then multiply the result by one hundred to obtain its percentage.
The Keyword Density Checker does more than calculate keyword density, it actually checks and analyzes all the main keywords of the content on the website or the text being analyzed and shows you the following percentages for better SEO performance and Optimization of effective content of your website, it is very important to keep track of the number of word repetitions found in our content to achieve a better search priority for our web content.